Friday, May 16, 2014

Rylan Going 2 Mile an Hour (or faster!)

This something I wrote after Rylan's race, back in August..

I've been thinking a lot about Rylan's race and how in many ways it is similar to the life of a Christian...
Rylan was the youngest racer at his ACCRF Mile Fun Run on Saturday. He took off running with great excitement! He was the last person to cross the finish line, but he never gave up! He even fell and scraped up his leg and the police cars behind him kept offering him a ride. Yet he still kept running! As he ran up the street and across the finish line, the crowd went CRAZY cheering for him!
In many ways, I imagine this is how it is in our lives as Christians. Sometimes we are just so full of excitement for Christ that we cannot contain our enthusiasm. Other times we fall, it hurts and we slow down. Then, there are the times when Satan is right behind us going "Hey! Let ME help you! Won't that be so much easier? You don't really want to go another step, do you?" But, there will come the day when we cross that finish line in Heaven and all our friends and family will be there cheering! And it will all be worth it!

Monday, May 12, 2014

While racing at the Ironman World Championship in Kona a few years ago, James took a nasty fall.  It slowed him down quite a bit, and caused great discouragement.  A little while later, he passed an extremely large Hawaiian man standing on the side of the road.  The man yelled out "Two mile an hour, better than no mile an hour!"  This strange statement surprisingly gave James great encouragement, at a time when he desperately needed it.

As our family races, be it Rylan's mile fun runs, Aaron's 5k races, Monica's very first triathlon or James's next Ironman, one thought always keeps us going..."Two mile an hour, better than no mile an hour!"